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about Bree

I absolutely thrive with all things creative. Painting, gardening, pigment making, photo editing-- you name it-- it's my therapy.


I love the fog that rolls off the Pacific Ocean, the sunshine-like forsythia blooming out of the frozen earth in the springtime, and sleeping under the stars anywhere and everywhere. 

I'm married to the absolute love of my life, Jakey! There is no one that could've been more perfect for me. He is adventurous, thoughtful,

humble, and FUNNY!

Our story is honestly pretty silly because the way we met was someone asking us if we were cousins before setting us up on a blind date (because we had the same last name lol!) and it turns out we were [distantly] related! 


Now we've been married just over 2 years and have the most angelic little baby!

Some of our other favorite things are rock climbing, mountain biking and 

snowshoeing together... but when we are home it's eating too much almond butter and making our baby laugh! 

I honestly LOVE everyone I have the joy of shooting with and (obviously!) would love to shoot with you. I practically fall in love with my couples and families and forever hold each and every person close to my heart. I work really hard to give my all into every single session and gallery I deliver, and enjoy every second of it!:')


“Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”

― John Wesley

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